Thursday, December 15, 2005

Google me paga!!

Sabias q Google paga a las personas q publican publicidad en su sitio? El programa ad-sense existe hace bastante tiempo, lo probe un par de veces pero solo gane unos cuantos dolares...visto que este blog sera publicado mas seguido, espero q las personas q lo lean decidadn darme una mano y apretar en los links de google.
En una semana de trabajo logre q mis colegas hicieran clicks por un total de 30 $us mientras mas gente le de clicks, mas dinero me entrega Google.
En el menu de la derecha, debajo de links hay tres links (si, en links hay links) que tienen escrito dale click...ruego, coordialmente, a todos mis visitadores dar tantos clicks como puedan en la publicidad de google =)
Si quieres inscribirte al programa Ad sense, puedes hacerlo en el cubo que se encuentra al final del menu de la derecha. Q google nos de algunos centavos de todos los millones q gana gracias a simples usuarios como tu y yo!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Back to work, let's blog

Y bueno....supongo q este es el primer post verdadero, no porque los otros sean falsos sino porque hoy decidi empezar a postear con frequencia en este blog. Puse los menus, los links, todo el layout para poder decir que mi blog funciona.
Esta semana estoy destinado al edifico principal y como aca todo el trabajo esta hecho, lo unico q me piden hacer es revisar si alguien tiene algun problema. Por ejemplo ayer fue un dia pesado, tuve q desconectar 4 computadoras y configurar la impresora de una nueva empleada, tuve q levantarme de mi escritorio por 15 minutos!
Bueno, esperemos q hoy no sea una jornada tan activa, empezemos a trabajar y a pensar con quien almorzare hoy??

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Napalm and Phosphorus bombs dropped on Iraqis

"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism." - Cindy Sheehan

The United Nations banned the use of the napalm gas against civilians in 1980...The United States, which didn't endorse the convention, is the only nation in the world still using the deadly weapon.

The last week a documentary has been shown on italian television, it proves that the US army in Iraq has been using chimical weapons on the civilinas

You can also see the yahoo news report or a report from an UK newspaper, the guardian

...They make a war saying that iraqis have chemical weapons and could use 'em someday...and then they use those weapons against civilians...Fuck Bush, fuck Blair, fuck every international troop in Iraq

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sledge Hockey

Did you ever complain about ur physical status? Did u ever feel like ur life is over? Yesterday I saw some of the strongest people in the world, people who didn't give up...never!
Life is all about making a you are today and how u want to be or how u want to live 5 years from now is all dependent on what choice u make now...some might say u do not always get a choice in life...well I would definitely disagree on that,specially after seeing those athletes...
Quella è voglia di vivere!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Pull my finger

Are you gettin' bored?

Pull the finger, let's see what happens.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Leonard Kleinrock

Did you ever think how the world would be different without internet? Well... I can say i do, this picture explains it all, it was one of the best days of my life...I saw the man who created the internet at a distance of 10 mts,he gave a conference in my university and then he was awarded by the "rettore" of the university. It was so incredible...just to have him in front of me,to hear him...
Dr. Leonard Kleinrock created the basic principles of packet switching, the technology underpinning the Internet, while a graduate student at MIT. This was a decade before the birth of the Internet which occurred when his host computer at UCLA became the first node of the Internet in September 1969
There are people who really changed the world, he is one of those people

Thursday, July 21, 2005


"Credo nelle rovesciate di Bonimba, e nei riff di Keith Richards.

Credo al doppio suono di campanello del padrone de casa
che viene a prendere l'affitto ogni primo del mese.

Credo che non sia tutto qui, però prima di crede in qualcos'altro
bisogna fare i conti con quello che c'è qua,
e allora mi sa che crederò prima o poi in qualche dio.

Credo che se mai avrò una famiglia, sarà dura tirare avanti con trecento mila al mese
però credo anche che se non leccherò culi come fa il mio caporeparto
difficilmente cambieranno le cose.

Credo che c'ho un buco grosso dentro, ma anche che il rock n' roll,
qualche amichetta, il calcio, qualche soddisfazione sul lavoro,
le stronzate con gli amici, beh, ogni tanto questo buco me lo riempiono.

Credo che la voglia di scappare da un paese con ventimila abitanti
vuol dire che hai voglia di scappare da te stesso
e credo che da te non ci scappi ne anche se sei Eddie Merckx.

Credo che non è giusto giudicare la vita degli altri,
perché comunque non puoi sapere proprio un cazzo della vita degli altri..."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The first post

This is the first post of my brand new blog.
Enjoy it,